Becoming a Midwifery Student
“Now what?” …This seems to be the million-dollar question once you graduate from your nursing school program. Hi! My name is Summer Cain. I graduated from the inaugural nursing class at Campbell University in 2018. I knew from the start that I wanted to work in labor and delivery. I did not, however, have any plans of furthering my education past my bachelor’s degree at that time. I was already overwhelmed with the pressure of passing the NCLEX, finding my first “big girl job,” and navigating my way through this new journey. I received my first job offer on a Labor and Delivery unit right away. I was in love! To me, there is no greater joy than being able to be there for a woman in one of her most vulnerable states. Most days are rewarding, and some days are extremely hard. We laugh with our patients, cry with our patients, and hold their hand through good and bad times. Nurses are truly the backbone of healthcare and make such a big impact in the lives of others. Fast forward to 2020, we have just begun battling the COVID pandemic. I’m sure I’m not the only nurse that questioned her career field choice. Thankfully, there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel. Even through the midst of it all, I have always felt a calling to do more. I internally struggled with submitting my Master’s in Midwifery application to the East Carolina University school of nursing. I had been praying that God would lead me in the right direction. I put off the application until the very last minute. Finally, I decided to apply and to my surprise, I was accepted as one of the fourteen students welcomed into the midwifery cohort. Go Pirates! The spring 2022 classes began in January and my first semester will soon be coming to an end. So far, I have thoroughly enjoyed this program. If all things continue to go as planned, I will graduate in 2025 and then will sit for boards to become a Certified Nurse Midwife. My last 4 years as a nurse have molded me into a better person and I am so thrilled to continue my education journey. It is my hope that I will be able to potentially make a greater impact as a provider. A little advice to those of you trying to decide your next step: Be patient. Trust God’s time. Listen to your heart.
(PC: @KendallMariah)
Thank you so much to ECU midwifery student, Summer Cain, for sending in her story about what inspired her to become a midwife! Best of luck with your continued studies and we look forward to welcoming you into the midwifery community!